New works in progress

I have started a new series of paintings working from my drawings of coastal areas.  By stretching and preparing the canvas myself I can control how much I want the canvas to absorb and leave raw areas of canvas exposed. The drawings I find translate well into paintings are those that are very open, containing very limited information and  space for me to play with a limited colour palette, translucency and obscuration.   By selecting the drawings that are enigmatic, it enables me to take the drawings at face value rather using them as a recall to memory.  The drawing is …

The Manchester Open

My painting, Oceans Apart No.20 (Thin ice skating) has been selected for the Manchester Open. The Manchester Open is at HOME, Manchester’s centre for contemporary theatre, film, art, music and more from January 21st to March 27th 2022. I can’t wait to see this and all the other works in my home city of Manchester.