GALA exhibition of painting and sculpture at Victoria Baths Springfest DATE TO BE RE-ARRANGED

Dez Rez DIY pop up exhibition projects will be taking up residence in the Superintendents flat at Victoria Baths for the Springfest event, which also includes a makers fair, live music and more art.  Springfest was due to take place on 26th April but due to the COVID-19 situation it will have to be rearranged for later in the year. Three painters, two sculptors and one creative artist are making new work inspired by Victoria Baths and the theme of water and bathing.  Work will be available for sale, so if you are a fan of the baths this is …

Bury Print Fair November 7th 2019

        I had a great day here earlier this year.  I’m making new original collage works from screen and mono prints. There will be framed and unframed works for sale and a few prints too. Bury Art Museum Saturday 9th November 2019